Reads: Sameness of Songs, The Wonder Pig & More

A wrap on some of the interesting reads from across the web...
  1. Why the Tech Sector May Not Solve America's Looming Automation Crisis - The Pudding
  2. The Differences in How CNN, MSNBC & Fox Cover the News - The Pudding
  3. Are Pop Lyrics Getting More Repetitive? - The Pudding
  4. Why Songs of the Summer Sound the Same - The New York Times
  5. The 'Distracted Boyfriend' Meme's Photographer Explains All - Wired
  6. 385 Feet of Crazy: The Most Audacious Flying Machine Ever - Wired
  7. The Hidden Injuries of the Age of Exposure - The Baffler
  8. Is Democracy Really Dying? - The New Republic
  9. When Will I Be Me? Why a Sense of Authenticity Takes its Time - Aeon
  10. The Charmed Life of Esther the Wonder Pig - The Walrus
  11. Utah's Big Water Grab - Outside
  12. The Billionaires and The Guru: How a Family Burned Through $2 Billion - Bloomberg
