Reads: Open-But-Closed Android, Scraper Bots & More

A wrap on some of the interesting reads from across the web...
  1. When a Stranger Decides to Destroy Your Life - Gizmodo
  2. Google's Iron Grip on Android: Controlling Open Source by Any Means Necessary - Ars Technica
  3. Every Step You Take: How Companies Use Geolocation Data to Target You - Boston Globe
  4. While We Sleep, Our Mind Goes on an Amazing Journey - National Geographic
  5. Thin You Can Tell What Others are Thinking? Think Again - Aeon
  6. For My Entire Childhood, My Mom Convinced Me I Was Dying - Narratively
  7. A Global Guide to State-Sponsored Trolling - Bloomberg
  8. The World Economy Runs on GPS. It Needs a Backup Plan - Bloomberg
  9. Project 'Fuchsia': Google is Quietly Working on a Successor to Android - Bloomberg
  10. Inside Google's Shadow Workforce - Bloomberg
  11. Behemoth, Bully, Thief: How the English Language is Taking Over the Planet - The Guardian
  12. Rongorongo: Language at the End of the World - Cabinet
  13. The Commas that Cost Companies Millions - BBC
  14. The Untold Story of Otto Warmbier, American Hostage - GQ
  15. The Ambien Diaries - Popula
  16. How Silicon Valley Became a Den of Spies - Politico
  17. Gaming's Toxic Men, Explained - Polygon
  18. A Deadly Hunt for Hidden Treasure Spawns an Online Mystery - Wired
  19. 'Scraper' Bots and the Secret Internet Arms Race - Wired
  20. The 'Guerrilla' Wikipedia Editors Who Combat Conspiracy Theories - Wired
  21. How a Flock of Drones Developed Collective Intelligence - Wired
  22. The Quantum Meltdown of Encryption - TechCrunch
  23. Cash is a Miracle. So Why Are More Businesses Refusing It? - Slate
  24. We Need Transparency in Algorithms, But Too Much can Backfire - HBR
  25. On WhatsApp, Fake News Is Fast — and Can Be Fatal - The Washington Post
