Reads: Dream Machine, YouTube's Platform Mess & More

A wrap on some of the interesting reads from across the web...
  1. What Shapes Are Things in Outer Space? - Gizmodo
  2. Are You Really the Product? - Slate
  3. YouTube's Plan to Clean Up the Mess That Made It Rich - Bloomberg
  4. Over 30? You're Too Old For Tech Jobs In China - Bloomberg
  5. Code Red: Organizing the Tech Sector - n+1
  6. Jeff Bezos V the World: Why All Companies Fear 'Death by Amazon' - The Guardian
  7. How Facebook Became the Tech Company People Love to Hate - The Atlantic
  8. How to Write Personalities for the AI Around Us - The Paris Review
  9. The Dying Scientist and His Rogue Vaccine Trial - Wired
  10. The Robot Assault On Fukushima - Wired
  11. A Metropolitan World - Aeon
  12. I Dream of Content-Trash - The Baffler
  13. Syria, A Love Story - The Washington Post
  14. Searching for a Future Beyond Facebook - Longreads
  15. The Great High School Impostor - GQ
  16. A Lynching's Long Shadow - The New York Times
  17. The Digital Vigilantes Who Hack Back - The New Yorker
