Reads: Living Forever, Online Harassment & More

A wrap on some of the interesting reads from across the web...
  1. The Next Best Version of Me: How to Live Forever - Wired
  2. The Dizzying Story of Symphony of the Seas, the Largest and Most Ambitious Cruise Ship Ever Built - Wired UK
  3. Japan's Prisons Are a Haven for Elderly Women - Bloomberg
  4. Why Good People Turn Bad Online - Mosaic
  5. The ISIS Files - The New York Times
  6. A Saudi Prince's Quest to Remake the Middle East - The New Yorker
  7. The End of Winter - The New Yorker
  8. When Cops Become Robbers - BBC News
  9. When Will Britain Face Up to Its Crimes Against Humanity? - The Guardian
  10. The Real Threat to Facebook Is the Kool-aid Turning Sour - TechCrunch
