Reads: Breaking Up Facebook, Dropping Sperm Counts & More

A wrap on some of the interesting reads from across the web...
  1. Who Broke the News? - The Guardian
  2. Philip Pullman: Why We Believe in Magic - The Guardian
  3. Franken-Algorithms and Accountability: The Deadly Consequences of Unpredictable Code - The Guardian
  4. Here's How America Uses Its Land - Bloomberg
  5. Ocean Falls: The Bitcoin Boom Reaches a Canadian Ghost Town - Bloomberg
  6. It's Time to Break Up Facebook - The Verge
  7. Sperm Count Zero - GQ
  8. How Three Tokelau Teenagers Survived Being Lost in the Ocean for 51 Days - GQ
  9. There's a Big Problem With Immortality: It Goes On and On - Aeon
  10. Why Did America Give Up on Mass Transit? (Don't Blame Cars.) - CityLab
  11. Who Controls Your Data? - Engadget
  12. Kenya: Sex and the Sugar Daddy - BBC
  13. The American Nightmare: Subprime Mortgage Crisis, 10 Years Later - The Penny Hoarder
  14. Am I Paying Too Little for Stuff? - The Wall Street Journal
  15. How Duterte Used Facebook To Fuel the Philippine Drug War - Buzzfeed
  16. A Facebook War: Libyans Battle on the Streets and on Screens - The New York Times
